Can't believe I've been lumped in with Barry & Romney! |
Not sure who wrote this, seems English isn't their first language but it's just a bit of fun. If you want to take a look click the link and go find it on WO.
Most of my answers are fairly obvious but a couple may surprise. I've put comments in [RED] where I felt like it.
Your (my)
answers were:
- The Government should not censor any opinion in any case.
- The Church shall finance itself, and be in equal grounds with any other association.
- Military service shall be voluntary. That is the best way to have a professional army prepared to defend our interests and commitments abroad.
- Laws should not interfere with sex between consenting adults, in no case.
[I'm against drugs and I've been very clear over the years as to why. This may not be a very libertarian view but fuck it, I always considered myself more of a conservative anyway if it wasn't for their annoying propensity to prattle on and fucking on about God. Jesus Christ...enough already!]
- The laws and the judiciary should establish in which cases preventive measures go before certain individual rights.
- Any imposition or benefit based on criteria of sex, race or social group, violates the principle of equality before the law, and should not be imposed by the Government.
- The Government shall regulate immigration to allow necessary immigrants to come in a legal way.
- The Government shall protect and / or promote the culture and languge [sic] that characterizes its nation.
- There would be less pollution should clear responsibilities and well-defined property rights with respect to pollution be established.
- The Government should limit imports from some third world countries, as they use cheap labor.
- Taxes should not go up. They must be at the level required to meet the expenses of the State.
- Retirement plans should be guaranteed by the Government, with some kind of mixed model that can combine public and private plans.
- The Government shall manage aid and an adequate assistance to the needy, regardless of whether private charitable institutions may voluntarily supplement that.
- Professional sectors should be regulated by independent bodies, such as professional associations. Qualified professionals should join them, as their supervision ensures the quality of their services.
- Labor unions should be governed by the rules applicable to any other association, and no public funding or special functions shall be attributed to them.
- The Government should guarantee universal access to health care centers using some sort of public funding.
- The Central Bank has a key role regulating the economy, so it must be independent and supervise commercial banks.
- Big stores are businesses like any other. They are entitled to compete freely in the market, with no restrictions on their opening hours or prices.
- Employment contracts should enjoy freedom of clauses between parties. Laws should not interfere in purely contractual matters, such as duration or termination causes.