Sunday, 17 July 2016

Im a libertarian? OMG...who knew?

Not me that's for sure. But since I can't comment there I'll do so here.

Can't believe I've been lumped in with Barry & Romney!

 Not sure who wrote this, seems English isn't their first language but it's just a bit of fun. If you want to take a look click the link and go find it on WO.

Most of my answers are fairly obvious but a couple may surprise. I've put comments in [RED] where I felt like it.

Your (my) answers were:
  • The Government should not censor any opinion in any case.
  • The Church shall finance itself, and be in equal grounds with any other association.
  • Military service shall be voluntary. That is the best way to have a professional army prepared to defend our interests and commitments abroad.
  • Laws should not interfere with sex between consenting adults, in no case.  
The government should fight drug trafficking with more resources and more effectively.  

[I'm against drugs and I've been very clear over the years as to why. This may not be a very libertarian view but fuck it, I always considered myself more of a conservative anyway if it wasn't for their annoying propensity to prattle on and fucking on about God. Jesus Christ...enough already!]

  • The laws and the judiciary should establish in which cases preventive measures go before certain individual rights.  
[I'm afraid I just don't believe that everyone's personal liberties should be up to them to defend as some people can't and nor do I believe that everyone has the right to do as they damn well please just because they are strong enough too!]
  • Any imposition or benefit based on criteria of sex, race or social group, violates the principle of equality before the law, and should not be imposed by the Government.  
[Absolutely, best person for the job and all that or the person I most want to work with. Any business or hiring manager that doesn't hire the best person because of their race, gender, creed, sexual orientation or whatever is a cock and will fail of their own accord and if they feel that way why the fuck would you want to work for them anyway?]
  • The Government shall regulate immigration to allow necessary immigrants to come in a legal way.  
[All of them. I'm sick and fucking tired of this cherry picking focusing on Muslims. There are plenty of other cultures coming to this country that refuse to assimilate as well and despise us for the easy marks we are]
  • The Government shall protect and / or promote the culture and languge [sic] that characterizes its nation. 
[I'm not convinced this reads the way I meant it. I simply chose this as it best answer. I don't want to turn around and find it is acceptable to promote a job in a restaurant were you must be fluent in Cantonese in NZ (seen this already) not that we should have endless days of Maori language week and make it compulsory in schools...fuck want to learn a dead stone age language spoken by less people in history than the population of Timaru be my guest but don't force it on the rest of us!]
  • There would be less pollution should clear responsibilities and well-defined property rights with respect to pollution be established. 
[Well who the fuck supports more pollution?]
  • The Government should limit imports from some third world countries, as they use cheap labor.
  • Taxes should not go up. They must be at the level required to meet the expenses of the State.  
[There should be a flat tax of 22% imposed on every level of earning with no exemptions starting at $15,000 per annum]
  • Retirement plans should be guaranteed by the Government, with some kind of mixed model that can combine public and private plans.
  • The Government shall manage aid and an adequate assistance to the needy, regardless of whether private charitable institutions may voluntarily supplement that.
[The Government provides nothing to anyone, we the taxpayer do and as a taxpayer I believe that we have a duty to look after those that cannot look after themselves]
  • Professional sectors should be regulated by independent bodies, such as professional associations. Qualified professionals should join them, as their supervision ensures the quality of their services.
  • Labor unions should be governed by the rules applicable to any other association, and no public funding or special functions shall be attributed to them.
  • The Government should guarantee universal access to health care centers using some sort of public funding.
  • The Central Bank has a key role regulating the economy, so it must be independent and supervise commercial banks.
  • Big stores are businesses like any other. They are entitled to compete freely in the market, with no restrictions on their opening hours or prices.
  • Employment contracts should enjoy freedom of clauses between parties. Laws should not interfere in purely contractual matters, such as duration or termination causes.

Heavy Equipment and Some Fails

I've seen this a couple of times. A company I worked for has some equipment featured although I don't recognize any of the sites.
The music is rubbish but its not my video. Just putting it here because I've driven some of this gear and it interests me, along with the fact that its hard to get people to understand how bloody dangerous mining actually is.

Here's some of mine too, the dangers of working over an old underground mine that some of us had worked in previously.
Don't care what anyone say's, open cutting of underground mines has it's dangers.

Drive collapsed under truck
Tracked into peat instead of digging his way in. Took 3 days to recover.
Pitfall collapsed under truck, the truck was dragged out and the rest of the ground gave way to revel a 15m wide 30m deep pit, driver would have been killed.
View from D10 on top of tiphead. Long way down.

Tiphead above collapsed almost taking truck with it.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Oh No....The Worlds Gonna day....maybe...perhaps....sez a computer and the NZ Herald!

More sensationalist clap trap from sensationalist boffins repeated by wanker churnalists.

"A massive earthquake called an "active megathrust fault" is posing a genuine threat to southern Asia.
And if the modelling is correct, this earthquake could be at least as devastating as the 2011 quake which devastated Japan and took 16,000 lives."

And if it's not correct? Oh day...maybe.....

FFS computer modeling has given us global warming, climate change and the Kim Kardashian show(and who'd ever have thought that was possible?)

These chicken little pricks and the sensationalist media that spout this garbage need a good hard smack around the ear hole. All this is is more panic inducing crystal ball gazing claptrap!

"We don't know if it's tomorrow or if it's not going to be for another 500 years," study co-author Michael Steckler, a geophysicist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University in New York City said in an article on the university website."We don't know how long it will take to build up steam, because we don't know how long it was since the last one. But we can definitely see it building."

So what the fuck do you know Michael? Well you know how to create a panic, frighten school children and get your name in the paper! Way to go!

 And for a bit of good drama the Herald manages to throw in a nuclear disaster as well....cos they can...and the fucking climate change and anti fracking tin foil hat wearing fuckwits will be all over it...

"Damage to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant completed a deadly treble of disaster, contaminating an area which continues to see more than 100,000 displaced locals living as evacuees."

WTG...draw that bow, create that hysteria. 

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Is Mallard rooted? Asks Whaleoil

Well personally I hope he is but here's the rub. So far no one on WO has asked the obvious (to me anyway) question. Why the f%$& is John Key opening an office for a list MP? They don't have an electorate and should be in parliament every sitting day.

Who is paying for this? Dollars to a dollop of dog shit it's not the National Party but parliamentary services I.E. us!

List MP's are nothing but troughing scum.
I can of course hear the whiners that will hypocritically point out that it gives National voters in the Hutt a voice but that's just bullshit. If you want your electorate MP to be a National MP then work to get him elected. Otherwise deal with your MP even if he is a prick like Trev the Duck.

Kid Falls Off Jungle Gym-Whoopie

This is one of the reason's I cancelled this paper. Not only is the caption in the picture misleading.....

 Who cares? Seriously? A kid falls off a bit of playground equipment and its national news? No wonder they are so pandered pampered and spoiled these days.

I expect that once more we will see the sniveling nanny state leftists calling for a ban on playground equipment that rises higher than knee level and mandatory bubble wrapping for any child that dares venture outside.

 This charge will of course be led by the ninnies at the Herald. The upcoming generation is going to keep therapists world wide on easy street for the next 100 years thanks to all the PC wankers and soft cocks that have taken over the media.