The police hide it at every opportunity.
Seems Aussie has a similar problem but at least it's being discussed.
Violence by women against men receives little attention, yet nearly four decades of research reveals they are also targets of physical abuse. Why the silence? Because the activists' ultimate goal is to tar all men, not just the relatively few perpetrators, as a collective and universally guilty group.This is a long blog article with links to sites but it needs to be considered in the NZ environment too.
When the violence is one-sided … women were the perpetrators about 70% of the time. Men were more likely to be injured in reciprocally violent relationships (25%) than were women when the violence was one-sided (20%). That means both men and women agreed that men were not more responsible than women for intimate partner violence. The findings cannot be explained by men’s being ashamed to admit hitting women, because women agreed with men on this point.
Our findings that half of relationships with violence could be characterised as reciprocally violent are consistent with prior studies. We are surprised to find, however, that among relationships with nonreciprocal violence, women were the perpetrators in a majority of cases, regardless of participant gender. One possible explanation for this, assuming that men and women are equally likely to initiate physical violence, is that men, who are typically larger and stronger, are less likely to retaliate if struck first by their partner. Thus, some men may be following the norm that “men shouldn’t hit women” when struck first by their partner.I've been saying this for years. And its got nothing to do with the premise that "men don't hit women" and everything to do with the prevasive societal fear that men are disproportionately punished by having their children taken away from them by the state.
I wonder when the likes of Golriz Gharahmin will be prepared to speak up on behalf of men?
And he laffed and he laffed and he laffed!