Saturday, 21 July 2018

The MacDoctor's guide to feminism

1. No-brainer Feminism
You believe that all women and men are equal participants in society. While there are differences between men and women, these differences are an essential part of a successful society and should be celebrated. These Feminists are normal.
2. Small brain Feminism
You believe all genders are identical in every way except that all women are victims and men are the problem. Society will only be right when women are in control. These Feminists are tragic.
3. Brain dead Feminism
You believe only females count as people. Men who identify as females also count but you are a bit confused about them. All the problems in society, including your personal ones, are cause by those evil Proto-rapists, men. Therefore, you hate all men, but particularly white, old ones who remind you of your father, the creep. All of them should die, or, if you are a pacifist, be imprisoned. For some reason, you tolerate Muslim males. Weird.
These Feminists are, of course, crazy. 

 What can I say?

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